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European Design Awards 2010 Winner “Best of Show”

The European Design Awards is the comprehensive annual awards organization acknowledging the best of graphic design, illustration and interactive design in Europe.

A joint effort by 14 communication design magazines from across Europe, the ED-Awards is a brilliant way to publicize your work on an international level.

Three reasons why the ED-Awards is the best of its kind

European Design Awards 2010 Winner – Best of Show

Building for the 2000-Watt Society: The State of Affairs

For the city of Zurich we developed the "mountain of energy" under the subject of "Sustainable Architecture": 500 cardboard boxes are stacked upon each other representing a nine meter tall installation. This towering structure contains information regarding seminal architecture from Zurich, Switzerland and six additional countries. The infrared camera-inspired colour gradient provides the visual concept of the exhibition, catalogue and poster.

The architecture examples are split into six groups each themed with a colour. Theoretical text is then printed in black and white. Interstate is the devoted font for the entire typography. Every possible weight from extra thin to super bold is used to adjust the various reading situations on the cardboard box installation.


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