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50+ Best WordPress Plugins and Widgets

These types of wordpress plug-ins are probably in accordance with the classification, have been tested fully compatible with the latest version of wordpress, if you have better suggestions, please post in this blog in order to increase the rich in this list.


Comment Management

1. Subscribe To Comments – Subscribe to Comments is a robust plugin that enables commenters to sign up for e-mail notification of subsequent entries. The plugin includes a full-featured subscription manager that your commenters can use to unsubscribe to certain posts, block all notifications, or even change their notification e-mail address!

2.WP AJAX Edit Comments – Allows users and admins alike to edit comments on a post.

3.Close Old Posts – Closes comments on old posts on the fly, without any DB queries.

4.Get Recent Comments – This plugin displays excerpts of the most recent comments and/or trackbacks that have been posted to the articles in your blog.

5.Extended Comment Options – Allows you to close comments or pings (or both) on all your posts at once.

6.OpenID Comments for WordPress – Allows readers to use the OpenID login, comments.

7.Do Follow Plugin For WordPress – Lets you remove the evil nofollow attribute from your comments.

8.Brians Threaded Comments – Threaded comments for WordPress.

9.Favatars – Favatars is a plugin that enables each comment/pingback/trackback to be accompanied by the website favicon.

10.Comment Relish – Sends an e-mail message to users who comment on your website who have never commented before.

11.MyAvatars – It displays the readers MyBlogLog avatars besides their comments

12.Show Top Commentators – Encourage more discussion from your readers, by displaying their names (linked to their website if desired) and number of comments they have made recently to your sidebar.

13.Live Comment Preview –  It is the simplest way to get live comment previews on your site. Simply activate the plugin.

14.Paged Comments Plugin – Allows comment paging. Useful for those popular blog entries receiving many comments, or a simple guestbook page within WordPress.

15.WP Grins – WP Grins will provide clickable smilies for both the post form in the admin interface and the comments form of your blog.


1.Akismet – Automattic Kismet (Akismet for short) is a collaborative effort to make comment and trackback spam a non-issue and restore innocence to blogging.

2.WP-SpamFree Anti-Spam – An extremely powerful anti-spam plugin for WordPress that eliminates comment spam, including trackback and pingback spam. It works invisibly without CAPTCHA’s, or other inconvenience to site visitors. The plugin includes spam-free contact form feature as well.

3.Bad Behavior – is a set of PHP scripts which prevents spambots from accessing your site by analyzing their actual HTTP requests and comparing them to profiles from known spambots.

4.Defensio – is a spam filtering web service that you can use to protect your blog or web application from comment spam.

5.WordPress Contact Form with Spam Protection – is a great contact form that can be added to a post or page.

6.Digital Fingerprint – detecting content theft.

WordPress SEO

1.All in One SEO Pack – SEO out of the box for your wordpress blog. This plugin is streamlined for some best practices for WordPress SEO.

2.Google XML Sitemaps Generator – This plugin will generate a compatible sitemap of your WordPress blog which is supported by, Google, MSN Search and YAHOO.

3.Platinum SEO plugin – The ultimate wordpress SEO solution.

4.Permalink Redirect – Replies a 301 permanent redirect, if requested URI is different from entry’s (or archive’s) permalink. It is used to ensure that there is only one URL associated with each blog entry.

5.Automatic SEO Links – Forget to put manually your links, just choose a word and a URL and this plugin will replace all matches in the posts of your blog. You can set the title of the link, target, rel and also you can know every moment how many times a word has been changed. In case the plugin finds more of once the same word in a post, it will only change the first one. This is to avoid black seo and inconveniences to the users.


1.WP-PageNavi – Adds a more advanced paging navigation your WordPress blog.

2.Similar Posts – Displays a list of posts that are similar or related to the current posts. The list can be customised in many ways. Similarity is judged according to a post’s title, content, and tags and you can adjust the balance of factors to fit your own blog.

3.Related Posts – Generates a related posts via WordPress tags, and add the related posts to feed.

4.Landing sites – When visitors is referred to your site from a search engine, they are definitely looking for something specific – often they just roughly check the page they land on and then closes the window if what they are looking for isn’t there.

5.Random Redirect – Allows you to create a link to which will redirect someone to a random post on your blog, in a StumbleUpon-like fashion.

Admin Management Tools

1.WordPress Database Backup – Creates backups of your core WordPress tables as well as other tables of your choice in the same database.

2.TinyMCE Advanced – Adds 16 plugins to TinyMCE, WordPress’ wysiwyg editor: Advanced hr, Advanced Image, Advanced Link, Context Menu, Emotions (Smilies), Full Screen, IESpell, Layer, Media, Nonbreaking, Print, Search and Replace, Style, Table, Visual Characters and XHTML Extras. Together these plugins can add over 40 new buttons to the toolbar, which is now two rows plus one hidden row.

Google Analytics for WordPress – Makes it simple to add Google Analytics with extra search engines and automatic clickout and download tracking to your WordPress blog

4.WP Super Cache – Generates static html files from your dynamic WordPress blog.

5.WordPress Reporter – Generates reports from Google Analytics and Feedburner data.

Interactive and Share

1.ShareThis – Provides a quick, simple to use, and unobtrusive way for users to add your post to many social bookmarking sites, or to send your post link via email, AIM, Facebook, MySpace and more.

2.Tweet This – Adds a “Tweet This Post” link to every post and page.

3.Sociable Zyblog Edition – This plugin automatically add links on your posts to popular social bookmarking sites. It is an enhanced version of Peter Harkins Sociable plugin. Aside from small changes to the code I added many new bookmarking services.

4.Add to Any – Helps readers share, save, bookmark, and email your posts and pages using any service, such as Delicious, Digg, Facebook, Twitter, and over 100 more social bookmarking and sharing sites.

5.Digg this – Detects incoming links from to your wordpress post and automatically display a link back to the digg post, for people to digg your story.

Advertising Management

1.Easy AdSenser – Provides a very easy way to generate revenue from your blog using Google AdSense. With its full set of features, Easy AdSenser is perhaps the first plugin to give you a complete solution for everything AdSense-related.

2.AdSense Manager – is a WordPress plugin for managing AdSense ads on your blog. It generates code automatically and allows positioning with Widgets.

3.Ad-minister – is a plugin that adds a easy to use WordPress management system for adverts and other static content.

4.Advertising Manager – This plugin will manage and rotate your Google Adsense and other ads on your WordPress blog. It automatically recognises many ad networks includingGoogle Adsense, AdBrite, Adify, AdGridWork, Adpinion, Adroll, Chitika, Commission Junction, CrispAds, OpenX, ShoppingAds, Yahoo!PN, and WidgetBucks.

Blog Translation

1.WordPress Global Translator Plugin – is a free and open source WordPress Plugin which is able to automatically translate your blog in 41 different languages.

RSS Feeds

1.Add Related Posts to Your Feed – A simple way to add an article’s related posts to the blog’s feed.


1.TDO Mini Forms – Allows you to add highly customisable forms that work with your Theme to your website that allows non-registered users and/or subscribers (also configurable) to submit posts.