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Free WordPress Theme – Manifest

Jim Barraud announceed his first publicly available wordpress theme, Manifest. It’s a clean and streamlined theme that focused on the content and not the distractions. It utilizes a single column, 500 pixel wide layout. No sidebars. No widgets.

Free WordPress Theme - Manifest

Some highlights:

  • Valid XHTML Markup. It currently validates as XHTML Transitional. That is until you start embedding all those crazy YouTube videos and Google Ads 😉
  • Microformat support. The posts are marked up using the hAtom microformat. Which an increasing number of search engines (like Yahoo!) are beginning to support and index.
  • 404 page. I’ve included the standard WordPress 404 template, which in addition to a nice “not found” message, it provides your readers with a list of recent articles.
  • Archives template. An archives template that supports categories, tags and monthly views.
  • Links template. A basic links page template. This isn’t a standard WordPress template so you’ll need to add it as a new page. But it will pull in any links you add to the Links section in the admin.
  • Google ad (sorta) support. There a designated spot on the single post pages for Google or any other type of text ads. Commented out by default, but there if you want it.
  • IE6 unsupported. This is a feature, not a bug. If a user attempts to view your site in IE6, they’ll be presented with an unstyled (but perfectly functional) site. Along with a friendly message suggesting they upgrade their browser.
  • Some webkit visual candy. It’s minor but hovering over the buttons will provide smooth rollover transitions in Safari 4 and Google Chrome thanks to their new CSS based transition properties.

Name: Free WordPress Theme – Manifest
Copyright: Jim Barraud
Author: Jim Barraud
License: Free to use as you please, Author just ask that you keep the Manifest link at the bottom. Thanks and enjoy.

Live Demo | Free Download the Theme

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